Thailand: Travel Diary

Published on 2021

Lately, I’ve been playing with the idea of personifying cities. If Bangkok were one, it would be somewhat like meeting a childhood friend. There was the usual suspects, things that were familiar to me growing up in the Philippines that I was immediately surrounded with: outdoor markets, coconuts, busy streets, a sense of ease and familiarity to everyone that I couldn’t find anywhere else.

There was lots of walking soundtracked to jazz. There was getting ready to watch Daniel Caesar live but finding everyone’s sense of style more interesting. There were the Pad Thai and mango sticky rice and art galleries. There were the temples and boats and stickiness in the air that one shower couldn’t wash off. There were catching trains, waterfalls and getting caught in the summer rain. 
There were moments of pause and debating over a cup of coffee at 11 PM to catch a morning flight.

Which was why I wasn’t surprised when my heart broke a little the moment we left.

Film photography and video by yours truly 🌺️

Film rolls processed by Photo City Bangkok